There are no known lead materials found within the Hortonville Water Utility system. The Village recently submitted a service line inventory to the DNR where the number of service lines in the inventory did not match the number of service lines reported in our 2023 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Report. For this reason, the Hortonville Water Utility incurred a federal violation for failing to submit an inventory that met all federal requirements of the 2021 Federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. This inventory has since been updated and sent back to the WDNR to meet all the federal requirements of the 2021 Federal Lead and Copper Rule.
However, a requirement of this violation was sending out a public notice with stock language about the dangers of lead in drinking water to all utility customers which was done on 2/20/2025. Again, there are no know lead materials in the Hortonville water utility system. We constantly test our drinking water and report our results to the Wisconsin DNR. The Village of Hortonville Water Utility is dedicated to providing safe and clean drinking water to our community. If you have questions or would like additional information please feel free to contact me
Thank you,
Aaron Steber
Director of Public Works
531 N Nash Street
PO Box 99
Hortonville, WI 54944
Email: [email protected]
Office: 920-779-6011
Cell: 920-378-3958