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This webpage is intended to provide information to interested individuals regarding the development of the Village of Hortonville Comprehensive Plan Update.  More detailed information can be viewed via the links found on this webpage.

Recognizing the need to update the existing comprehensive plan, the Village enlisted the aid of East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to assist in the creation of a comprehensive plan update that will be consistent with Section 66.1001 of the Wisconsin State Statutes.  The plan being developed under this planning effort will provide an update to a previous comprehensive plan that was adopted in August of 2003.  It will also build upon and incorporate land use related concerns from the Village’s Strategic Plan.

The general approach taken for this year long process will be multi-faceted in order to meaningfully engage elected officials, state agencies, citizens and the business community on the establishment and implementation of their vision for land use within the community. All factual information contained within the previous plan will be reviewed and revised to reflect current conditions.  Information will be reviewed with community leaders and the general public so as to ensure that the basis for the updated land use plan is current and well-connected to short and long-term trends and challenges.

The Village of Hortonville’s Comprehensive Plan Update was completed in six phases, all of which involved provided opportunities for public involvement.  The phases included Organization, Plan Kickoff Meeting and Visioning, Inventory/Analysis and Issue Identification, Plan/Goal Alternative Development, Plan Implementation, Plan Review, Public Hearing and Adoption.


During the onset of the project, a public participation plan was prepared to facilitate public knowledge and involvement in the Comprehensive Planning Update process.  The plan was prepared in accordance with Section 66.1001(4)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes.  The Public Participation Plan was adopted by the Village of Hortonville’s Board on April 4, 2013.  A copy of the plan can be found on this website under public participation.  Additionally organizational activities included the development of a project website and the appointment of three citizen 'ex-officio members to the Village’s Planning and Zoning Commission.

Plan Kickoff Meeting and Visioning

To officially kickoff the project a meeting was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 26, 2013.  At this meeting, a summary of the comprehensive planning requirements and process was outlined to plan commission members.  The update of the Village of Hortonville’s Comprehensive Plan is being update per the requirements of Section 66.1001 of the Wisconsin State Statutes.  This legislation provides a framework for unified land use planning in Wisconsin.  Other items discussed with the Planning and Zoning Commission included the planning approach, intended outcomes, responsibilities of the Commission and a review of the Public Participation Plan.  To increase community awareness, an article regarding the comprehensive plan update appeared in the Spring Issue of the Village Voice.

A large community-wide planning event was held on May 4, 2013 to evaluate a number of issue areas within the general framework of the comprehensive plan.  At this event, a review of and summary of standard plan element inventories and conclusions, as well as a list of known issues and accomplishments from the current comprehensive plan were identified.  The focus groups identified specific neighborhood improvements and changes that will be used to maintain or enhance the specific planning topic areas including: livability and quality of life, multi-modal transportation and mobility, recreation and health, housing and changing markets, community services, economic development, environmental qualities and function and adjacent developing areas.

Inventory/Analysis and Issue Identification

All factual information contained within the Village of Hortonville’s Comprehensive Plan adopted on August 2003 was updated to reflect current conditions.  Background chapters containing updated demographic trends (population, household and employment forecasts, age distribution, and education and income levels), economic conditions (employment characteristics, labor force and economic base data), housing characteristics (age, structural, value and occupancy), inventory of the transportation system, utility and community facility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water supply, waste disposal, parks, telecommunications, power generating plants and transmission lines, cemeteries, health and childcare, public safety, libraries, education and government facilities), agricultural, natural and cultural resources, land use and intergovernmental cooperation were developed and analyzed.  Community leaders, Village Staff and the general public reviewed this information to ensure that the basis for the updated land use plan is current and well-connected to short and long-term trends and challenges.

Utilizing the Village’s existing Strategic Plan, information obtained from the Community & Neighborhood Visioning Workshop and an analysis of existing conditions, key issues were identified and prioritized.  All information was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for input.  Information was posted on the Village website.

Plan/Goal Alternative Development

Utilizing key issues, draft goals, strategies and recommendations and plan alternatives were developed.  Each of these items has a different purpose in the planning process.  Goals are broad, long range statements which describe a desired future condition.  Strategies are statements which describe specific conditions which will help attain the stated goals.  Recommendations can include new ordinances, amendments to existing ordinances, new programs or other tasks.  Different plan alternatives were also developed during this stage.  Information was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for input.  Information was posted on the Village website.

Plan Implementation

This phase of the planning process establishes the tools necessary for implementation of the plan.  Recommendations for regulatory techniques including zoning and an action plan with an accompanying timeline were developed to ensure that the intent of the plan is achieved.  Information was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for input and posted on the Village website.

Plan Review, Public Hearing and Adoption.

The final phase of the planning process culminates with the adoption of the comprehensive plan update by the Village Board. A draft plan was available at numerous locations around the Village so that the community would have an opportunity to review and comment.  A Class 1 (30 day) Public Notice was published in the local paper and a public hearing was held prior to adoption.  The Planning and Zoning Commission met to recommend that the Village Board adopt the plan by ordinance. The Village Board adopted the plan on April 17, 2014.

The Village of Hortonville Comprehensive Plan Update identifies a 20-year planning horizon and contains four major components:

  1. A profile of demographic, economic, and housing characteristics;
  2. An inventory and assessment of the environment, community facilities, and agricultural, natural and cultural resources;
  3. Visions, goals, strategies and recommendations; and
  4. A series of land use maps that depict existing and optimum land use patterns.

The Village of Hortonville Comprehensive Plan Update also contains nine elements required by the Wisconsin State Statutes 66.1001:

  • Issues and Opportunities
    • Background information, including population, household and employment forecasts, demographic trends, age distribution, education and income levels and employment characteristics.
  • Economic Development
    • An inventory of the labor force characteristics, commuting patterns, location of workplace, economic base information to promote the stabilization, retention or expansion of the economic base and quality employment opportunities.
  • Housing
    • An assessment of the age, structural, value and occupancy characteristics of existing housing stock.
  • Transportation
    • Background information to the guide the future development of various modes of transportation, including highways, transit, transportation systems for persons with disabilities, bicycles, walking, railroads, air transportation, trucking and water transportation.
  • Utilities and Community Facilities
    • Background information to guide the future development of utilities and community facilities such as sanitary sewer, storm water management, water supply, solid waste disposal, on-site wastewater treatment technologies, recycling facilities, parks, telecommunication facilities, power-generating plants and transmission lines, health and child care facilities, police, fire and rescue facilities, libraries, schools and other governmental facilities.
  • Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources
    • Background information for the conservation, and promotion of the effective management of natural resources such as groundwater, forests, productive agricultural areas, environmentally sensitive areas, threatened and endangered species, stream corridors, surface water, floodplains, wetlands, wildlife habitat, metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources, parks, open spaces, historical and cultural resources, recreational resources and other natural resources.
  • Land Use
    • An assessment of the amount, type, intensity and net density of existing land uses such as agricultural, residential, industrial and other public and private uses; an analyzes of the trends in supply, demand and the price of land, opportunities for redevelopment and existing and potential land-use conflicts.
  • Intergovernmental Cooperation
    • A compilation of policies and programs for joint planning and decision making with other jurisdictions, including school and sanitary districts, counties and adjacent local and tribal governmental units, for siting and building public facilities and sharing public services. 
  • Implementation
    • Programs and specific actions to be completed in a stated sequence, including proposed changes to any applicable zoning ordinances, official maps, sign regulations, erosion and storm water control ordinances, historic preservation ordinances, site plan regulations, design review ordinances, building codes, mechanical codes, property maintenance and housing codes, and sanitary codes or subdivision ordinances.

Each element (chapters 3 – 11) contains an inventory and analysis, and relevant policies and programs that are applicable to the Village.  Goals, strategies and recommendations related to each element are contained in Chapter 2, Plan Framework.